Kindy class investigates ‘Swooping Magpies’ in Term 3

The Kindy class have enjoyed a five week STEM investigation on Swooping Birds.
It began with a story developing a problem of a swooping magpie. A little bit of drama always adds to the fun of learning.
We had a look at birds around us in Merredin and talked about the seasons and why magpies like to swoop and protect their eggs in Djilba (Spring). We even drew our own birds and decorated them.
After brainstorming ideas to protect ourselves be very bravely drew a design thinking of all the things we would need to make an awesome ’Protective Head Device’.
Thankfully we had many parents come into the classroom one afternoon to help make these designs into a reality.
We posed for photos in front of a green screen and helped Mrs Crabb put us under a magpie picture which we thought waqs very clever and funny.
We reflected on our designs and thought of ways of making improvements although many of them thought they were just perfect and didn’t need any modifications!
What a great way to learn aspects of STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) in a fun and relevant way.
Ms Kylee Crabb
Classroom Teacher
Cyrus Magpie

Clancy Magpie

Ayden Magpie

Valma Magpie