We acknowledge that there are moments during a young person’s life when they may experience issues that impact on their learning and behaviour. A dedicated Student Services team are available to support students’ well-being.
In both primary and secondary the Student Services team provides mentoring and health and well-being advice, as well as referral to specialist health and youth services, including counselling. Monitoring of student attendance is also a major responsibility.
Student Services exists to support those students who are experiencing difficulties which interfere with their learning to the extent that they are not capable of being assisted in the classroom environment by the teacher.
The goal is to achieve the best outcome for the student. In essence, we aim to have every student at Merredin College feel safe, happy and supported.
Primary Student Services Team
The Primary Student Services team consists of a range of support staff including:
Deputy Principal (Primary)
POD Leaders (Phase of Development)
School Psychologist
College Chaplain
Aboriginal & Islander Education Officers
School Nurse
Amity Heath Social Worker
Secondary Student Services Team
The Secondary Student Services team consists of a range of support staff including:
Deputy Principal (Secondary)
House Co-ordinators
Year 7 Transition Co-ordinator
Year Group Co-ordinators
Senior School & Student Leadership Co-ordinator
School Psychologist
School Chaplain
Aboriginal & Islander Education Officers
School Nurse
Our Team
The primary and secondary Deputy Principals (Student Services) are responsible for the attendance and behaviour of students as well as the coordination of each Student Services’ team.
The School Psychologist works with students based on referrals from the teaching staff and the Deputy Principal of Student Services after discussion with parents/guardians.
The Merredin College Chaplain makes a valuable contribution to the social, emotional and spiritual well-being our school community. He/she provides support and guidance about ethics, values, relationships and spiritual issues, and helps students engage with the broader community. They are part of the school’s pastoral care team.
In the past, the Chaplain has assisted in the coordination of the Breakfast Club, organised the Bibbulmun Trek and Ride for Life excursions, and coordinated the BUZ (Build Up Zone) programme for primary students.
The School Chaplaincy Program is voluntary and is supported by the Merredin College Board which represents the views of the College community.
This service is jointly funded by the Federal Government (the National School Chaplaincy Programme); State Government, Merredin College and the local community (through the Churches Fraternity). We are indebted to the local Church groups which raise considerable funds for this essential programme. Parents/carers can also contribute to the Chaplaincy service when they pay their Voluntary Contributions and Charges.
The programme is administered by YouthCARE. The local YouthCARE group meets twice each term to oversee fundraising and to monitor the activities of the Chaplain.
Aboriginal and Islander Education Officers support our Aboriginal students and advise teachers on culturally appropriate resources and lessons. They are an important link with our Aboriginal families and extend their knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal history, language and culture across the College.
Three POD Leaders (K-2, 3-4 and Year 6) monitor the attendance and welfare of students in the year group for which they are responsible. These are teachers who have volunteered their time to take on this responsibility. Information is shared with the Primary Student Services’ team and appropriate support strategies implemented as a result.
Two Year Coordinators (Yr 7-9 and Yr 10-12) provide general pastoral care for students in the year group for which they are responsible. The secondary Year Coordinators promote student inclusion by organising reward and fundraising activities. They provide students with a voice into the affairs of the College which directly affect them though year group meetings held two or three times per term. The Year 11/12 Coordinator is also responsible for coordinating the activities of the Year 12 Student Councillors, College Ball, leavers’ jackets, assemblies and other public relations functions.
In the primary and secondary areas pf the College, separate staff members are responsible for ensuring appropriate support is in place for students with special needs and that teaching and learning adjustments occur as required. This person is also responsible for liaison with the School of Special Educational Needs (SSSEN) and submitting applications for extra support via the Disability Resourcing System.
The interests of special needs students is overseen by one of the Deputy Principals.
The Education Support Coordinator looks after the interests of special needs students.
This is a part-time position. The School Nurse, who is employed by the Health Department, assists with Health Care Plans and general issues related to health in the College. This includes administering immunization programmes to students.