Your child happy and healthy.
Your child will be able to use the well appointed canteen which provides fresh, nutritious meals daily. The primary and secondary undercover areas attached to the canteen provide plenty of areas for students of all ages to eat lunch and mingle with friends.
The canteen is managed by the P&C and is co-ordinated by an approved manager. The canteen is always looking for parents, carers or members of the wider community who may be happy to volunteer their time to assist.
The canteen abides by the Department of Education’s Healthy Food and Drinks Policy. In this policy a traffic light system is used to categorise food and drinks as Green, Amber or Red to help public schools plan menus that promote healthy, nutritious and affordable food and drinks. Parents are encouraged to use the traffic light system at home too. GREEN category foods are encouraged. Schools should aim to fill their menus with these healthy foods. AMBER foods should be selected carefully and eaten in moderation. RED food and drinks are off the menu and will not be available in public schools
Full details of the Government initiative are available at www.det.wa.edu.au/healthyfoodanddrink.