Merredin College has a number of school buses servicing the surrounding towns.
In most cases, transporting your child to school is the parents’ responsibility. Enquiries regarding school bus services should be directed to the Public Transport Authority email enquire@pta.wa.gov.au or telephone 136213. Some special programs include transfer arrangements.
Town Service
All primary students who live in town but are too far from the school to walk or ride (and especially if on the northern side of Great Eastern Highway) can apply for a bus service if there are available seats and buses can pick them up on their way in from outlying areas. Parents or carers of Aboriginal students are encouraged to contact Mrs Jeno Hayden (AIEO) at the College for information relating to this service.
School Bus Services (SBS) is responsible for providing eligible rural students and students with special needs free transport assistance to and from school on contracted ‘orange’ school buses.
These services are critical to ensure that students are able to attend school regularly.