Year Three – Term 3 Class Report

This term has been full of exciting activities. Our writing focus has been on information reports where we analysed a report on the Red-Eyed Sea Monster, looking at the structure and language features of an animal report. We then used what we learned to create our own reports on newly discovered sea monsters. Some of these creatures include the spear-tongue sea serpent, the rainbow eel and the yellow-belly sea snake.
We were all excited to start coding with the Dash robots this term. First we learned the basics of programming and experimented with the applications that drive them. Each week we have been given challenges to complete. At first these seemed quite easy, but as the level of the activities increase, we are learning that our programs are not always correct the first time and the challenge is to de-bug the programs. This requires us to overcome our frustration, problem solve and demonstrate persistence.
We have also been busy setting up the collection of articles for reuse in our MakerSpace, in our classes and in the community. Each week two students are responsible for sorting and storing the items delivered to our classroom. We investigated what happens to our rubbish once it goes into landfill by burying different household waste and monitoring the results. After 15 weeks there has been no change to plastic materials such as milk bottles, plastic bags and gladwrap. This has helped us to understand the importance of reusing items and reducing our waste.
Over the term we also thoroughly enjoyed the NAIDOC week activities, Book Week and preparing and participating in the athletics carnival.