Year 7 Science – Wind Turbines

In Term 2, Year 7 science classes are comparing renewable and non-renewable energy sources, including how they are used in a range of situations. Being home to the largest single stage wind farm in the southern hemisphere, the students focused on wind energy. Students were able to construct wind turbines to test our inquiry question; ‘What is the best design for wind turbines?’
Student groups chose a different independent variable to test; the number of blades, the angle of the blades or the length of the blades. Students used a multimeter to measure the voltage.
The Science department are very grateful for the financial support from Collgar wind farm, due to their support we were able to purchase a class set of wind turbine kits from STELR. The students thoroughly enjoyed creating their wind turbines and were proud to show their results to Mr Barry Sayers who visited a Year 7 class on Friday 15th June. Mr Sayers was able to guide some students with their designs and answer and questions about the Collgar wind farm. Merredin College science staff look forward to using the wind turbine kits again next year with the 2019 Year 7 science classes.