Year 1 Classroom

It has been a wonderful beginning to the term for the Year 1 students. The children have been working very hard and have been achieving great things. Miss Hunter, Mrs Campbell and Mrs Drakeford are proud of the students’ efforts and have enjoyed learning about and getting to know the class. The children have adjusted well to the new structure of Year 1 and are enjoying exploring the new areas where they now play at recess at lunch.
In literacy the Year 1 students have been focusing on narrative writing and have had a great time learning and modifying the text ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. The children have been working on their special spelling rule every morning and have demonstrated these skills in their daily writing. We love reading stories as a class and answering questions about the story, using our ‘comprehension ball’. In numeracy we have been learning about addition, subtraction, time, money and measurement. We have explored these concepts through a range of ‘hands on’ engaging activities.
The students have relished the opportunity to come to together as a year 1 group. There have been many fantastic friendships made, as the students enjoy spending their recess and lunch together. It is pleasing to see the students demonstrating the new school values, both in and out of the classroom. The children are constantly looking out for their friends, making sure everyone is feeling included. Well done Year 1s, keep up the superstar effort.