Western Australian Youth Concert Band (WAYJO)

Students at Merredin College were lucky enough to watch and listen to ‘WAYJO’ which is a Jazz band comprising of approximately 20 young adults playing a variety of instruments such as saxophones, trombones, trumpets a bass, electric guitar, keyboard, drums as well as a vocalist. The students were shown how each of these instruments work as well as listening to different varieties of jazz music.
A highlight of the visit was for selected students to play some of the instruments, with many of the band members being very surprised at how good our students could produce a sound.
Following the concert, students from the school choir stayed behind and were taught how to sing a Jazz song called ‘Summertime’ in three parts as well as some performing and some scatting. It was a great experience for our students to sing this song along with the band and be able to see this fantastic group of musicians perform.