WARP 2022: A Weekend of Grit, Determination and Problem Solving

Merredin College students were fortunate and grateful to receive funding and support from the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development through an initiative to build awareness of careers in WA’s booming tech industry which benefits our livestock, agriculture, fisheries, forestry, and education sectors. Combined with the endless support and mentoring from Curtin and Murdoch Universities, Merredin College took a team down to Curtin University to the WA Robotics Playoffs last weekend.
These students spent 6 weeks, sacrificing their lunch breaks, and attending after school workshops as they built their affectionately named ‘Dodgy Bot’. They persistently tackled every challenge that surfaced in areas of engineering, construction, electrical wiring, and coding to produce a robot that relentlessly competed over two gruelling days, led by students who demonstrated tenacity, grit and great leadership to, with the help of a great alliance with two other robots to take second place.
To all students who participated, you are to be commended on an outstanding effort, dedication and representing Merredin College with such proud and gracious professionalism.