Merredin College Acknowledges Volunteers

Merredin College was delighted to host a “Thank Our Volunteers’ day on Friday 30 November. A sumptuous morning tea to acknowledge the outstanding efforts of the huge number of people who willingly volunteer their time to assist our students and staff.
Schools cannot function effectively without the support of volunteers. We are indebted to the parents and community members who volunteer to help in a multitude of ways – at sporting carnivals, covering books, listening to reading, mentoring students, running school banking, and supervising at camps. The list is endless.
I would particularly like to thank the School Board members who have given personal time to oversee the strategic direction of the College. The Merredin College P&C is also very supportive of the school. This small but committed group run two essential services for Merredin College – the canteen and the uniform shop. In addition, they provide funds to support ‘extras’ for our students.
Staff and students of Merredin College sincerely appreciate the work throughout the year from the many volunteers who give their time to contribute to our school.