Year 10 and 11 Students in the Workplace

Term 4 has been a busy time, 25 Year 11 students experienced 3 weeks in the workplace in an industry related to their VET Certificate Course. We had students travel as far away as Beacon, Southern Cross and Koorda while some stayed closer to home. Year 11 Workplacement is not only a great opportunity to pick up new skills but also about ‘networking’ making contacts in the industry.
Employers often use Workplacement as an opportunity to ‘trial’ a student when they are looking for an apprentice or part time worker. This time around 2 students gained part time work and one employer is very keen to offer an apprenticeship once the student has completed Year 12.
Well done and congratulations to all who participated, generally employers were impressed with the attitude and skills of the Year 11 students.
We currently have 51 Year 10 students from Merredin College spending the last 2 weeks of Term 4 on Work Experience. Students have selected to work in a wide variety of industries, mining, engineering, mobile mechanic, child care, speech therapy and education to name a few. Work Experience gives the students an insight into what their chosen field really involves, which helps them make more informed decisions about future career pathways.
Merredin College would like to thank all the businesses who gave so generously of their time and knowledge.