Primary Assembly – Term 3, Week 5

Awards presented to students at Merredin College assemblies are based on the values of our Positive Behaviour Support guidelines ‘G R O W’
‘We are carinG‘
‘We are Responsible’
‘We are respOnsible’
‘We strive to succeed’
Kindy/Pre-primary | Strive to Succeed
Caring |
Keegan Flanagan
Kylah Coetzer |
Pre-primary/Year 1 | Strive to Succeed Responsible | Jack Joy
Madison Davies |
Year 1/2 | Strive to Succeed
Strive to Succeed |
Jayme Heinrich
Violet Campbell |
Year 2 | Strive to Succeed
Strive to Succeed |
Callum Kett
Riley Bush |
Year 3 | Strive to Succeed
Strive to Succeed |
Ivory Simpson
Ryot Wall |
Year 3/4 | Strive to Succeed
Strive to Succeed |
Harper Purssell
Rhod Castillo |
Year 4/5 | Responsible
Strive to Succeed |
Leila Hayden
Riley van der Merwe |
Year 5/6 | Strive to Succeed
Respectful |
Alionah Pickett
Jayden Coelho |
Year 6 | Strive to Succeed
Caring |
Samuel Brunetti
Chloe Wahlsten |
Junior Primary Music
Upper Primary Music |
Strive to Succeed |
Jordan Edwards
Alionah Pickett |
Junior Primary Art
Upper Primary Art |
Strive to Succeed
Strive to Succeed |
Heath Greenham
Rhod Castillo |
Upper Primary Sport
Junior Primary Sport |
Strive to Succeed |
Stella Major
Hayley Cervantes |
Health | Strive to Succeed | Eli Herbert |
Indonesian | Strive to Succeed | Rhod Castillo |