At Merredin College we welcome all prospective students from Kindergarten to Year 12.
Parents of students wishing to enrol need to complete all relevant forms. Applications submitted missing information will delay the enrolment process.
If you require assistance when completing this package, including translation services, please contact our school officers on 9041 7520.
Parents of students wishing to enrol need to complete all forms within the relevant enrolment package.
If you require assistance when completing this package, including translation services, please contact our school officers on 9041 7520.
Applications and copies of other required supporting documentation should be sent to:
On receipt of the completed documentation, appointments can be made with the relevant Deputy Principal (K-6 or Year 7-12). This is especially important if enrolling part-way through a school year or if your child has special educational needs.
If you are not in the local intake area but would like to enrol your child, please contact us for an enrolment package on 9041 7520.
Students who are in Year 7-12 who do not live in Merredin and cannot commute by bus are advised to contact the Merredin Residential College on 9041 7500 for information regarding a boarding position.
Enrolment Supporting Documentation
When enrolling your child at Merredin College you will be asked to show your child’s Birth Certificate (original or certified copy) or birth extract or equivalent identity documents.
When supporting evidence cannot be provided, the principal considers the particular circumstances. Parent are reminded that providing false information is grounds for cancellation.
All school documentation should refer to the child’s name as it appears on the official identification certificate (where that has been provided). However, if families want to use a different name on a daily basis it is reasonable for the principal to agree. In this way the child can be known to all at the school by the preferred name and the legal name appears only on any documentation.
In cases where the parent indicates the child’s name and presence at the school need to be kept confidential the school will seek the advice of Coordinator Regional Operations who may need to confer with other authorities on which name is to be recorded and who should have access to the child’s information.
On enrolment you will be asked to provide your child’s Immunisation Certificate. Please be aware that if your child has not been immunised (or the immunisation records have not been sighted) and and there is outbreak of a vaccine preventable disease such as measles of mumps at the College, your child will be exempted from school while the disease runs its course.
For measles for example, non-immunised contacts will be excluded from school for 14 days after the appearance of the rash in the last case identified in the school, unless the contact was immunised within 72 hours of first exposure.
To obtain your child’s immunisation records go to the Department of Health website at the following address:
On enrolling you may be required to provide evidence of your usual place of residence. Examples include a utilities account, lease agreement of at least three months, proof of ownership of property, driver’s licence, statutory declaration, copies of any Family Court or other court orders, and visa details (if applicable). Principals may accept a maximum of 3 documents as evidence of residential address.
All students require an up to date Student Health Care Summary which is available from the school.
The Student Health Care Summary
Provides contact details for use in a medical emergency
Seeks informed consent from parents for any necessary sharing of student’s health information
Informs parents that in a medical emergency they will be expected to meet the cost of an ambulance
Asks parents to identify essential health information that could affect their child in an emergency e.g. allergy to penicillin
Asks parents to list any health conditions their child has and to advise the school if support is required from school staff
If support is required (e.g. for severe allergies, diabetes, epilepsy, asthma etc) parents must complete one or more health care plans using a school-provided template.
It is essential that the school be informed either at enrolment or on diagnosis of your child’s allergies and whether your child has been diagnosed as being at risk of anaphylaxis. In this case you will be required to provide an Australian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA) Action Plan completed by their child’s medical practitioner. It is important that the ASCIA Action Plan provides details on how to manage mild to moderate allergic reactions and anaphylactic reactions including appropriate medications, as well as listing known allergens.
Medication which is to be taken during school hours is to be registered at Student Services desk in the main administration (Year 7-12) or with the Primary Deputy Principal (K-6). Under no circumstances should medication be carried by students whilst at school.
Parents of students with special needs should contact the school to discuss these needs and the appropriateness of a placement in Merredin College prior to lodging an application to enrol.
It is appropriate that these issues and the schools ability to meet these needs are discussed and potential problems highlighted well in advance of the expected date of enrolment.
If your child was not born in Australia, you must provide evidence of date of entry into Australia and passport or travel documents. If your child has entered Australia on a visa, the College must view documents which clearly state a visa sub class, before any enrolment can be considered. Only those students with eligible visa numbers can be accepted. Please contact the College for further information about this.
Copies of Family Court or Other Orders
Parents must disclose any court orders which contain matters to be taken into account when enrolling the child.
Suspensions and Exclusions
Information on any suspensions and exclusions needs to be provided to the school at the time of applying to enrol. This information will help us to provide your child with any support that may be required.
Children currently under suspension from a public school cannot be enrolled at another public school until the suspension period expires.
Children who have previously been suspended or excluded from a public school may be required to enter into a behaviour agreement with the school if enrolment is accepted.
Information about Your Occupation and Education
All parents across Australia, no matter which school their child attends, are being asked to provide information about their family background to promote an education system which is fair for all Australian students regardless of their background.
Providing this information is voluntary but your information will help the Department of Education to ensure that all students are being well served by our public schools.
Consent Forms
In additon you will be asked to consider and sign forms (if in agreement) which relate to:
Media Consent – Publication of images of the student and their work
Internet Access – Appropriate use of internet services by students
In some situations you may also be provided with the following forms to sign:
Viewing Consent – For ‘Parental Guidance (PG)’ items deemed suitable by the teacher and school administration
Local Excursions – Agreement to minor excursions, not including excursions which require individual agreement