Phillip Gwynne (author) visits Merredin College

On Friday 28 June the high school students were fortunate enough to have a visit from Australian author Phillip Gwynne.
Phillip Gywnne, or Gwynny as he likes to be called, is the author of a number of children and Young Adult books including Deadly Unna? (which was turned into the film Australian Rules).
Gwynny spoke to some of the year 11 and 12 VET students in a short workshop that included a writing exercise responding to a video of his son longboarding down a long winding road in Japan. Next some year 10s heard about his childhood and how he too grew up in a small country town and looked to football as a way to make it in the world. Finally he spoke to all the year 7, 8, and 9 classes. Gwynny spoke about his writing and several of the picture books he has made and where he got his inspiration. He also talked about a few of the works he has in progress that will be published soon.
The students really enjoyed listening to his presentations with one student stating it was “Deadly” and another saying it was “Really interesting to learn about his life”.
It was a great privilege to have the eastern states residing author come visit our school and we wish him the best with his upcoming releases.