Country Week 2017

On Sunday 25 June some of our students from Year 10-12, who achieved excellent attendance and maintained Good Standing, travelled to Perth to compete at the annual Secondary Country Week Competition. Merredin College had teams representing in Volley Ball (Girls & Boys), Basketball (Girls & Boys) and Netball.
All teams trained hard leading up to the event and demonstrated great skills as well as excellent sportsmanship in all their games. Congratulations to the Boys Volleyball team who won the Grand Final for their division.
Students and staff stayed at the Woodman Point Recreation Camp and enjoyed a number of fun activities in the evenings including a fancy dress Bowling Night, Movie Night, Quiz Night and a very funny night of ‘Minute to Win It’ games.
Country Week is one of the highlights in the upper school calendar and we know that students look forward to this every year.
Thank you to David Pirovich for coordinating this years’ Country Week event. Also we are grateful to Kelly Robins, Alyce Rogerson, Natalie Beale, Vanessa Morris and Marc Gardner for giving up their time to coach the teams, drive buses and attend the week to supervise the children.
Results from the week:
Basketball – Boys
MC V Geraldton SHS 30-39
Bullsbrook College V MC 51-32
MC V WACoA Cunderdin 27-29
MC V Cape Naturaliste 29-17
Dalyelup College V MC 36-28
Eastern Goldfields V MC 39-31
MC V Mt Barker CC 40-26
WACoA Cunderdin (5th) V MC (6th) 24-29 (Final)
Volleyball – Boys
Newman SHS V MC 2-1
John Tonkin College V MC 0-2
Bullsbrook Senior College V 0-2
Karratha SHS V MC 1-2
Manea SHS V 1-2
MC V Eaton CC 2-0
MC V Denmark SHS 2-0
MC (1st) V Newman SHS (2nd) 2-0 (Final)
Mt Barker CC V MC 11-42
Kalgoorlie Boulder V MC 29-36
MC V Esperance ACS 19-28
MC V Eastern Goldfields 33-39
MC V Bullsbrook College 36-40
Bullsbrook College (3rd) V MC (4th) 35-25 (Final)
Basketball – Girls
Collie SHS v MC 22-12
MC V Karratha SHS 27-29
MC V John Tonkin College 27-57
Wongutha CAPS V MC 33-32
MC V Manea SC 19-19
WACoA Cunderdin V MC 20-12
MC (5th) V Manea SC (6th) 29-22 (Final)
Volleyball – Girls
Karratha SHS V MC 0-2
MC V John Tonkin College 2-0
MC V Coondanup College 0-2
MC V Halls Head College 2-1
Headland SHS V MC 1-2
Narrogin SHS V MC 2-0
Broome SHS V MC 2-0
Coondanup College (3rd) V MC (4th) 2-0 (Final)