One Big Voice

The Merredin College Choir set off on Friday, 20 of August to Perth to participate in the ‘One Big Voice’ concert at the Perth Arena.
We went straight to Woodman Point Recreation Camp and sorted out the sleeping arrangement, settle in and get changed into a brand new choir shirts. Then it was off to the Perth Arena where 4000 students from 80 schools all met and had a 90 minute rehearsal. This is the largest children’s choir in Australia and was the first time all schools had been together to sing their 11 songs – some of them in 4 part harmony. The concert which in the words of other people was ‘SPECTACULAR!’ All of the songs had positive messages to make people feel good within themselves and to be confident which was a great message. The largest LCD screen in Australia was at the back of the Arena showing close-ups and special effects. It was an amazing night and the parents were so proud when they saw us after the event. The next day we had a great time at Lazer Tag and then after lunch at Mundaring we made it home all a little tired from a busy two days. Many thanks to Dave and Tam Hendriks for driving the bus and Justine Low, Jeno Hayden, Noelene Hatch and Kerrin Hardy for giving up their time and helping out. And a big WELL DONE to the Merredin College students who were outstanding! “Music brings us Together”.