Year 3/4 Classroom

We are all super excited to be back at school learning and being with our friends again. After a little bit of disruption, it hasn’t taken us long to get into routine, revise our roles and responsibilities, and it is nice knowing what each day will bring.
One of the things we were really grateful for was, being able to complete our Mother’s Day project, a hand crafted gift from recycled material. This was something we had been working towards throughout Term One. As a part of a school sustainability focus, our class is responsible for collecting waste paper that is put into blue recycle boxes throughout the school and shredding and bagging it for re-use within the school and the community. In Geography, we learned more about sustainability through lessons that got us thinking about natural resources and waste and how they could be used and managed. So we decided to turn the paper into something new. We created a natural pulp from the shredded paper and made moulded bowls. Once they were dry we designed and painted the bowls to give as Mother’s Day gifts. We all took such great pride and care with our painting and were pleased with the final product.
We hope our families loved our bowls as much as we did!
Classroom Teacher
Mr Tracey Cornish