Year 1/2 Class Report

It has been an exciting start to the term in our classroom and it is very nice to be back into our learning schedule!
We have been focusing on using cooperative learning groups during our literacy and numeracy blocks every day. Our parents have been able to see our daily learning via the Seesaw App. It has been wonderful to see some families comment on the photos that we share with them.
We are MAD about QR codes in Room 6! We love to use them across our learning areas because integrating technology in new ways keeps learning fun! This week we are using QR codes to find our weekly spelling rules. We have also used QR codes as bricks for our classroom castle. We can scan them during a ‘brain break’ to find a narrative text for quiet reading or a quick mental maths problem. Our superstar students have been busy adding exciting adjectives to their writing! The Year two students are also using the WOW wall to find new words to put into their texts when they are editing.
We are looking forward to the wonderful semester ahead!