Acceptance of enrolment at Merredin College assumes an agreement between the College, parents/guardians and the enrolling student that the dress code will be followed.
The Department of Education Policy on School Dress Code allows schools to make the wearing of school uniform a requirement. It has been found that the wearing of a school uniform brings with it many benefits, such as the promotion of the school’s public image; an enhanced school spirit; a reduction in rivalry between students; an increase in convenience and cost saving for parents; and preparation for work environments which have dress and safety codes.
At Merredin College a Dress Code Policy has been established after much consultation with all stakeholders. The policy has been formulated to meet the needs of the students, their families and the school.
The P&C fully supports the policy and it has been endorsed by the Merredin College Board.
Dress Code Requirements
Any changes including additional items (e.g. special jackets) must be endorsed by Merredin College Board.
The following table outlines all acceptable School Uniform Items of clothing.
TOPS | ||
K – 12 | Unisex | Navy short sleeve polo shirt with pale blue panels with embroidered MC crest. |
K – 12 | Unisex | Faction short sleeve polo shirt with embroidered MC crest. |
Kindy | Unisex | Cotton T-Shirt |
K – 12 | GIRLS | Navy long length pull-on shorts or skorts.
Navy sports short with logo. |
K – 6 | GIRLS | Navy pull-on long pant elasticised back. |
K – 12 | BOYS | Navy long length pull-on shorts.
Navy sports short with logo. |
K-12 | Unisex | Navy Tracksuit Pants, micro fibre with or without emerald piping. |
K-12 | Unisex | Navy Wet Weather Jacket with Embroidered Crest |
K-12 | Unisex | Navy Rugby Jumper with Embroidered Crest |
6-12 | Unisex | Navy Woollen V neck Dress Jumper with Embroidered Crest |
K-12 | Unisex | Navy Tracksuit Jacket, micro fibre zip up with emerald inserts and piping. |
Footwear worn to Merredin College will be enclosed, lace up or velcro, sport or a dress shoe, appropriate for curriculum participation. No skates, flats, sandals or canvas slip-on type shoes are to be worn to comply with occupational health and safety standards. Sneakers must be worn for physical education classes or school sport representation.
The Physical Educational uniform is compulsory for all Year 7-12 students. The wearing of any physical education uniforms to regular classes (e.g. Science), or to and from school is not permitted (unless by prior approval for special events such as carnivals). As an exception, primary students may choose to wear their allocated house/faction shirts to school on the days that they have Physical Education classes. Primary students are permitted to change into and out of their sport uniform if desired. All students are required to wear their faction/house shirts at Merredin College sports’ carnivals.
Hats must be worn during Physical Education classes. Primary students are to wear the navy surf style hat for better sun protection.
Physical Education uniforms are available from the P & C Uniform Shop and consist of the following:
House/Faction Shirts:
Polo Shirts in gold (Mitchell), cherry (Growden), jade (Kelly) and royal blue (Law). House/faction Shirts should be embroidered with the Merredin College crest.
Sports’ Shorts:
College sport shorts are plain navy, quick-dry polyester draw string shorts in either long or short length
The Merredin College tracksuit pants and/or jackets may be worn during the cooler months for Physical Education lessons or Sports’ carnivals and as a part of the regular school uniform. The top is a water repellent microfibre zip up jacket in dark navy with emerald inserts and piping. Pants are made of the same fabric with emerald piping down the outside leg.
Each year, the School Leadership group may approach the Merredin College Board to gain approval for the purchase of a School Leavers’ jumper or jacket that may be worn by Year 12 students as part of their approved uniform. The design must incorporate the College colours of navy, aqua and gold and an embroided school crest should be included.
For camps , other excursions and Country Week, students may elect to select and design a jacket to wear on camp. This must be presented to Merredin College Board for approval and should be in the College colour palette. Once the camp is over, the item must not be worn to school.
Students and School Councillors Representing Merredin College in an official capacity will wear their full school uniform, including a blazer and tie. The blazer shall be navy blue with the school crest embroidered on the pocket. The tie shall be navy blue with aqua and gold pin stripes. These items will be purchased as a school set by the College and will be loaned to students.
Each student is required to have a hat. For K-6 this is a navy surf style hat and for Year 7-12 a navy cap has been chosen by the students. Merredin College is embroidered on the hats — on the front for the K-6 students and at the back for the Year 7-12 students.
Scarves are permitted during cold weather but they must be the school uniform scarf available through the uniform shop.
Hairstyles and colours should be conservative. Make-up is discouraged.
For reasons pertaining to safety, dog chains, collars and wristbands with spikes and studs are discouraged. For safety reasons, long dangling earrings are not suitable for school wear. Earrings should be confined to small hoops or studs. At the discretion of staff, students may be asked to tape up earrings during sport, recess and lunch activities.
The school is bound by 104A of the Children and Community Services Act 2004 which relates to body piercing. Piercings of the nose, eyebrow, lip, chin, cheek or neck are not allowed. This includes implants and any piercings deemed inappropriate. A piercing that is not visible or is not considered a safety or health hazard will generally not concern the school unless the student draws attention to it. If it becomes a problem, the student will be required to remove the piercing. Failure to do this will result in disciplinary action. Having a body piercing is NOT a legitimate excuse for not participating in physical education activities at Merredin College.
Dress Code Management
Students who do not meet the College’s dress code on a given day are required to report to the Deputy Principal. Their names will be recorded and they will be issued with a Uniform pass. Students who attend classes without the correct uniform and without a uniform pass will be sent to Student Services and a consequence will be applied. Repeat offenders may be asked to change into a loaned uniform
Dress code infringements will be recorded and monitored. Non-compliance with the dress code will be taken into account when attendance at various extracurricular College social and sporting events is determined. Parents will be advised when infringements meet an unsatisfactory level.
Parents/carers who for financial reasons are unable to provide the correct school uniform for their child/ren are encouraged to contact Student Services.
Availabilty of Uniforms
All items of school uniform are available at reasonable costs through the Merredin College P&C Association’s Uniform Shop located in an office of the Administration Block. Uniforms can also be pre-ordered and payment must be by cash or cheque.
Where parents wish to purchase uniform items from other sources (bottoms only as they have no logo), they must conform to the style sold by the uniform shop.
Financial assistance is available to low-income families to enable them to meet dress code expectations. Families eligible for Health Care cards that complete the Secondary Assistance forms available may receive funding to assist in the purchase of school uniforms.