ANZAC Commemorative Ceremony

Due to current COVID Restrictions we held our ANZAC Commemorative Service Livestream via our Merredin College Facebook page.
The service was hosted by our Year 12 and Year 6 School leaders who did an outstanding job at the podium. Representatives from the Year 10.1 class who delivered Odes and Soldier dedications completed in HASS.
Special Guests included:
Veterans – Eddy Johnson & Aub Tompkin, Brett Postans & Mark McClellan
Merredin Police – Officer In Charge Senior Sergeant Heath Soutar
Vice President Merredin College P&C – Phil Van Der Merwe
Army Cadets S Martin (Yr 11) & A Earl (Yr9) did a very professional job of the flag posts wile Mrs Kylee Crabb (Teacher) played the bugler.
Our very talented Merredin College choir delivered the New Zealand and Australian National Anthems instructed by Mrs Caryn Adamson.