Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses are one of the fastest growing areas of education in secondary school.
VET in Schools [VETiS] programs provide the opportunity for students to gain a nationally recognised qualification along with workplace experience and skills, while at school.
Merredin College offers several national qualifications for students throughout Years 10, 11 and 12.
- Upon satisfactory completion of all units of these courses, a student may attain a national qualification
- Where a student satisfactorily meets all requirements of the course, a Certificate may be awarded
- Where a student meets the requirements of Units, a Statement of Attainment may be awarded
VET qualifications completed in combination with school WACE courses also count towards a student’s Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE).
VET Courses Delivered Onsite
Merredin College engages in ‘Auspicing Contracts’ with the following Registered Training Organisations [RTO] so that they can deliver the qualifications noted:
Ripponlea, RTO Code:21230
ICT20120 – Certificate II in Applied Digital Technologies
ICT30120 – Certificate III in Information Technology

School of Isolated and Distance Education (SIDE), RTO Code: 52601
BSB20120 – Certificate II in Workplace Skills

Central Regional TAFE, RTO Code: 21230
A ‘Memorandum of Agreement’ with Central Regional TAFE (RTO Code: 21230) provides Merredin College Year 11 & 12 students with the opportunity to enrol in the following VET programs:
At the Rutherford Trade Training Centre:
MEM20413 – Certificate II Engineering Pathways
CPC20220 – Certificate II in Construction Pathways
Online at Merredin College:
52895WA – Certificate IV in Preparation for Health and Nursing Studies

External Training Opportunities
External Training Opportunities
School-based Apprenticeships (SBAs) and School-based Traineeships (SBTs), when available, allow students to commence a traineeship or apprenticeship at the same time as completing secondary schooling. After signing a formal training contract students undertake a course in partnership with an RTO and an employer. Students are paid for their work and continue the apprenticeship once they have finished school.
Workplace Learning is an Authority-developed endorsed program managed by the College that enables students to develop a set of transferable vocational skills through working in one or more workplaces. Students record their hours and tasks in a logbook and provide evidence of knowledge and understanding of skills in a Skills Journal.
A minimum of 55 hours in the workplace is required to complete one (1) unit of this program. Students may use up to a maximum of four (4) units of Workplace Learning, accrued over Year 10 – 12, towards their WACE.