Curtain AHEAD – Merredin College Careers

Year 10, 11 and 12 Students recently attended interactive workshops run by Natasha Rauh who is based at Curtin University. Curtin Addressing Higher Education Access Disadvanatage, (Curtin AHEAD) program is a federally funded outreach program that works with high school students to build their aspirations for higher education and their capacity to pursue educational pathways beyond high school.
Year 10 students completed an online personal career assessment which resulted in the program suggesting a number of possible careers that suits the student’s interest, skills and personal priorities. Students were then given time and resources to research 2 of these careers. This activity was designed to get students thinking about what they may want to do when they leave school and the pathways they can take to achieve this goal.
Year 11 Students looked at note taking techniques, getting organised and mental wellbeing as well taking part in fun activities to discover their own personal learning style.
Year 12 students looked at post school pathways into further education including University, TAFE and apprenticeships.