The quality of our teaching and learning program will be maximised when each family makes its contribution.
The government provides operational funding for teachers, facilities and equipment that delivers a comprehensive education for all WA students. The cost of course materials, services and facilities for educational programs are met jointly from grants, fundraising and parent fees and contributions. Parents/Carers who choose not to pay Voluntary Contributions, reduce the school’s capacity to provide these resources.
Contributions apply to K-10 students. Compulsory charges are levied for all subjects studied in Year 11 and 12. In addition, voluntary approved payments P&C contributions is essential to keep our canteen operational and reduce the need for fundraising. Chaplaincy Services provide pastoral care support to students, the Library Fund replenishes the books in our library and the Technology Fund allows up to keep our Information Technology up to date. In 2023 the school introduced an additional voluntary approved request to support sustainability programs.
Parents are sent all information prior to the beginning of each school year, including schedules of estimated extra-cost options and a list of personal use items for each student. You are advised to view the attached documentation for more information.
If you are experiencing financial hardship, payment plans are available. If you have a Health Care Card or a Pension Concession Card and your child is a student in Year 7-12, you are eligible to apply for the Secondary Assistance Scheme which will contribute $550.00 towards your child’s educational costs. Please contact the office if you need to apply for the Secondary Assistance Scheme (prior to April each year) or to arrange a payment plan.
Voluntary Contributions
A Voluntary Contribution of $60 per student is requested to cover resources and materials for Visual Arts, Music, English, Mathematics, Humanities and Social Sciences, Technologies and Enterprises, Science, Physical Education, and Health.
This equates to just 30c for each day of the school year. The quality of our teaching and learning programs is maximised with the increased capacity to provide additional resources through the payment of voluntary contributions.
A Voluntary Contribution of $235.00 per student is requested to cover resources and materials for Visual Arts, Music, English, Mathematics, Humanities and Social Sciences, Technologies and Enterprises, Science(Including CoRE), Physical Education, and Health.
This equates to just $1.18 for each day of the school year. The quality of our teaching and learning programs is maximised with the increased capacity to provide additional resources through the payment of voluntary contributions.
Voluntary Approved Requests include contributions to the P & C, the Chaplaincy Program, Technology Fund, Library Fund and Sustainability Program.
Merredin College also requests you consider contributing to the following specific programs/funds. All are a per student contributions.
- Library Fund (Purchase/Replacement Books and Resources) $20.00
- Sustainability (Renewable Energies and Water Conservation) $30.00
- Technology Fund (Network, Printers, Specialist Technology Equipment) $20.00
- School Chaplain Program (Pastoral Care) $10.00
- P&C Association (General Fundraising) $ 5.00
In Years 11 and 12 all subject charges are compulsory. Students are sent a financial statement of cost based on their subject selections.
For most courses in Years 11 and 12, text books are also required to be purchased by students. Books can be ordered online from Campion Education. Details regarding how to order the books will be distributed with the course charges and booklist. These are sent to families at the end of each year for the following year.
Financial Assistance
The Secondary Assistance Scheme is available to secondary students whose parents hold a concession card. The scheme includes the Clothing Allowance ($300 paid to school or parent) and Educational Program Allowance ($235 paid directly to the school).
If you think you are eligible for the Secondary Assistance Scheme, please apply through the school before the end of March.
The Secondary Assistance Scheme is available to students up to and including the year in which they turn 18, and only if they have a parent who is a holder of one of the prescribed cards listed below:
- Centrelink Pensioner Concession Card; or
- Centrelink Health Care Card (Family card only – not for a specific child for medical purposes, viz: “CDA” type [Child Disability Allowance]); or
- Department of Veterans’ Affairs Pensioner Concession Card.
- Cards that are not eligible are TPI and Gold Cards.
Students in receipt of ABSTUDY are eligible for the ABSTUDY Supplement Allowance.
A Youth Allowance is available for eligible students through Centrelink when they turn 16 – generally this is in Year 11.
Personal Use Items
Personal Use Item lists are provided to parents in Term 4 for the following year.
Order forms are provided for Nextra Newsagency Merredin and Abacus (secondary calculators), however, parents may purchase from any other outlet.
All personal use items should have the child’s name clearly marked on them.
It is the responsibility of students to ensure that each day they have the necessary materials.
We encourage parents to recycle items from previous years if they are still in a reasonable condition.
BYOD (Bring your Own Device) refers to students bringing a personally owned device to school for the purpose of learning. Students must have submitted signed BYOD Usage Agreements and abide by the School Electronic Device Policy. There are specific device (laptop) requirements which include:
- Device is to be no older than 4 years old
- Screen Size should be no bigger than 15 Inches
- Devices must have keyboard capabilities
- Devices must support 5GHZ Dual Band 802.11a/b/ g/n wireless
- Battery Life of the device must last the day (no recharge available)
- All required software or applications must be preloaded