Year 3/4 Classroom

We have had a busy but interesting start to the year so far. We have been working hard in Literacy and Numeracy topics and learning to develop a “Growth Mindset” in preparation for NAPLAN and Easy Mark testing, of which we have now completed.
In Literacy we have been learning how to write persuasive text which has linked in with Civics and Citizenship where we have been learning about different types of governments and the levels of government in Australia. It was fun learning how to vote correctly in a democratic government to give our first preference, especially using a polling booth like the adults would do when voting in the recent election. We also had to decide which level of government we would like to run for and create a poster to advertise the issues we would support if we were elected. In learning how democratic decisions work, in groups we had to pick an issue that we wished to resolve and decide together on strategies that would help. Some of the issues included, how to reduce litter around the school, building houses for homeless children and providing i pads for every child at school. There were some great fundraising and advertising ideas to enlist volunteers.
In Science we have enjoyed learning about solids and liquids through lots of hands on investigations which involved food and this term we are learning about Earth and Space Science. We really enjoyed a STEM activity where we created figures from foil and then measured and recorded the shape and length of its shadow throughout the day.
We are enjoying our participation in the BUZ program conducted by our school chaplain Sal which is teaching us some valuable life skills. We have also started practising for the cross country and are looking forward to performing our assembly item in week 8.