What’s been happening in the Year 3 Classroom?

In Year 3 we are enjoying different activities to get to know each other. We played Human Bingo which was great fun and we all learned new things about each other. We have introduced class jobs and the students are performing them very seriously and with great enthusiasm. We have been doing a great job in keeping our class room tidy and looking after our school items.
We have been practicing being more mindful of the here and now and recognising our feelings. We have been doing mindfulness activities, such as focusing on our breathing to help us calm down and be more focused on our school work.
We have been learning about the Earth, Sun and Moon and how day and night occur. We have been doing role plays, pretending to be the different planets, and did an interesting and engaging shadow measuring project. For HASS we are learning about the differences between big cities and small country towns. For Technology we have been practicing coding and we had to write a code to get the teacher from one place in the classroom to another, which resulted in some good laughs when the teacher bumped into tables and walls. By learning from our mistakes and striving to succeed, we were able to create a code to get the teacher safely to the end point. We have created our own little bean bags and practiced using the sewing machine. We are starting a little class herb garden and have just planted the first seeds. We are excited to watch them grow.
We have created our own little bean bags and practiced using the sewing machine. We are starting a little class herb garden and have just planted the first seeds. We are excited to watch them grow, because in Year 3 we GROW!