Cervantes Field Trip (CoRE Program)

Year 7/8 CoRE students embarked on a 4 day field trip to explore aspects of this terms project: Merredin to the Turquoise Coast – A Geological Journey, piecing together the older granite outcrops of Merredin to the relatively young Tamala limestone and abundant calcified fossil rhizoliths of Cervantes, telling the story of the geological formation passing through the Yilgarn Craton to the Perth Sedimentary Basin, while discovering the extensive Marine Parks and biologically diverse areas of the Turquoise Coast, that provided a stunning and intriguing place to conduct a field trip to explore and link the geological, biological, chemical and physical aspects of the area. Over the course of the field trip, students visited Toodyay, camped at Nambung Station, visited the Pinnacles, Tronox Cooljarloo Mine, Lobster Shack, Hangover Bay, Sandy Cape, Lake Thetis and enjoyed a talk about Indigenous Astronomy. Students are now completing a comprehensive field report linking all of their hands on experiences with science concepts and skills learnt.