Recognising the demonstration of values.
GROW Awards
Awards presented to students at assemblies based on the values of our Positive Behaviour Support guidelines ‘G R O W‘.
‘We are CarinG – We are Respectful – We are RespOnsible – We strive to succeed’
Students are encouraged to strive to succeed at their potential in every endeavour whether academic, sporting, cultural, or citizenship.
Students are acknowledged for their achievement at every opportunity.
Achievements are published on this Website.
Merredin College conducts assemblies twice each term, to recognise student achievement or progress.
Primary Assemblies
Parents and friends are invited to full school assemblies.
They are usually conducted during Week 4 and Week 8 each term on Thursday at 9:00am in the covered assembly area.
Each class from Pre-Primary to Year 6 will host an assembly.
Parents are requested to ensure that any younger siblings are closely supervised during the assembly.
The MerryDin concert is held at the end of each year to celebrate the achievements of our students.
Each class performs an item and we recognise student achievement and citizenship for each class.
Awards for excellence in Art, Sportsmanship, ICT and Science are also awarded. Each year the concert is split over two nights and follows a theme.
Secondary Assemblies
Certificates of Excellence
Certificates of Excellence are given in each year in each subject at our Highest Achiever’s Assemblies held at the end of Semester 1 and the end of the year.
Achieving the top marks in their class
Showing the most commitment
Most improved
Preparing a particularly impressive piece of work
GROW Awards
Awards presented to students at assemblies based on the values of our Positive Behaviour Support guidelines ‘G R O W‘.
‘We are CarinG – We are Respectful – We are RespOnsible – We strive to succeed’
Academic Achievers
At the end of Semester 1, Academic Achievers are recognised.
These are the top 10% of students in each year group who are selected according to the highest number of A and B grades (with no D or E grades). Academic Achievers receive a certificate, a pen and a badge.
At the end of the school year, a Presentation Assembly is held to celebrate the achievements of outstanding students for every subject in each year level.
Students in Year 7-10 are awarded the following:
Academic Excellence – academically the top student for each year
Subject winners
Year 11 Awards Presentation
The Year 10 and 11 Highest Achiever Awards from the previous year are handed out at the first assembly for the year. This is held on the first day back for students.
Year 12 Awards Night
The Year 12 Awards Night is held in early Term 4 and acknowledges a number of special awards as well as course awards.